Saturday, November 30, 2019

Jungle Essays - Meat Packing Industry, The Jungle, Jurgis

Jungle The family knows all the dirty secrets of the meat-packing industry. The most spoiled of meats becomes sausage. All manner of dishonesty exists in the selling diseased, rotten, and adulterated meat to American households. The working members of the family fall into a silent stupor due to the grinding poverty and misery of their lives. Ona and Jurgis grow apart. Jurgis begins to drink heavily. He delivers himself from full-blown alcoholism through force of will, but the desire to drink always torments him. Antanas suffers all manner of childhood illnesses, but the measles attacks him with fury. However, he reaches his first birthday owing to his strong constitution despite the privations under which his family suffers. He is perpetually malnourished like the rest of Packingtown. Ona, pregnant again, develops a bad cough and suffers increasingly frequent bouts of hysterical crying. Winter arrives again, and with it comes the grueling rush season. Fifteen and sixteen hour workdays are frequent. Twice, Ona does not return home at night. She explains that the snow drifts kept her away, so she stayed with a friend. Jurgis discovers that she lied about staying with her friend. He wrangles a confession out of her. Sobbing hysterically, Ona confesses that, Connor, a boss at her factory continually harassed her and pleaded with her to become his mistress. Eventually, he raped her in the factory after everyone had gone home. He threatened to arrange the firings of every wage earner in her household. Moreover, he threatened to prevent them from obtaining work in Packingtown ever again. With these threats, he forced her into accompanying him to Miss Henderson's brothel in the evenings for the past two months. The recent snowstorms prevented Ona from returning home twice. Jurgis storms to Ona's workplace. It takes more than a half dozen men subdue him before he can choke the life out of Connor. Jurgis is arrested and taken to jail where old men and boys, hardened criminals and petty criminals, innocent men and guilty men share the same squalid quarters. Jurgis's trial date is set, and his bond is three hundred dollars. Jurgis spends the Christmas holidays in jail, worrying about his family. While Jurgis awaits his trial, he becomes friends with his cell mate, Jack Duane. Jack claims to be an educated man from the East. His father committed suicide after his business failed. Jack claims that a big company later cheated him out of a lucrative invention. After his misfortunes, Jack became a safe-breaker. Before his trial, Jack gives Jurgis his mistress's address and encourages him to seek his help should the need arise. Jurgis's trial is a farce. Kotrina and Teta Elzbieta attend it. Connor and several witnesses testify that Conner fired Ona fairly, and Jurgis attacked him for revenge. Jurgis tells his side of the story through an interpreter, but the judge is not sympathetic. He sentences Jurgis to thirty days in prison. Jurgis begs for clemency because his family will starve, but the judge remains firm. In Bridewell, Jurgis and the other prisoners spend the greater portion of their time breaking stone. He writes a postcard to his family to let them know where he is. Ten days later Stanislovas visits to tell him that he, Ona, Marija, and Teta Elzbieta have all lost their jobs. They are unable to pay rent or buy food. Marija is suffering blood poisoning because she cut her hand at work. Ona lies in bed, crying all day. Teta Elzbieta's sausage factory shut down. Stanislovas lost his job after a snowstorm prevented him from going to work for three days. No one can obtain other jobs because they are too sick and weak and because Conner is scheming to prevent them. Stanislovas asks if Jurgis can help them. Jurgis has no more than fourteen cents to give. Kotrina, Stanislovas, and the children earn money selling papers. Their only other income comes through begging. Commentary Packingtown is full of predators. Connor, empowered through his criminal connections, violates the marriage bond between Jurgis and Ona. No individual really has the power to fight for themselves. Marija tried to fight for her full wages only to be fired. Ona cannot afford to reject Connor's advances because he has the power to ruin her family. The wage laborer is systematically crippled and silenced by the power structure enabled by capitalism. Jurgis's attack on Connor would be perfectly justified according to the values of the American reading public. A man has violated his wife against her will. However, judges are bought and sold by

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Requisitos ciudadanía para hijos nacidos fuera EE.UU.

Requisitos ciudadanà ­a para hijos nacidos fuera EE.UU. Los hijos de ciudadanos que nacen fuera de los Estados Unidos podrà ­an adquirir la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense desde el momento de su nacimiento si se cumplen una serie de requisitos. En este artà ­culo se detalla en quà © casos y con quà © requisitos un ciudadano americano transmite la nacionalidad a sus hijos nacidos en el extranjero segà ºn la ley actual, que aplica a todos los nacidos a partir del dà ­a 14 de noviembre de 1986. Para los nacidos en fechas anteriores aplican otras leyes y debern consultar cules eran los requisitos que aplicaban en el momento en que nacieron. Cabe destacar que, en la actualidad, las reglas para obtener la nacionalidad de EE.UU. por padre o madre aplican a los descendientes de estadounidenses por nacimiento o por naturalizacià ³n. Puntos Clave: ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por derecho de sangre El padre o la madre estadounidense pueden transmitir la ciudadanà ­a de EE.UU. a sus hijos nacidos en otro paà ­s si se cumplen una serie de requisitos.Los requisitos son diferentes segà ºn el estado civil de los padres y nacionalidad de los padres:padre y madre estadounidense y casados entre sà ­padre o madre estadounidense casado con extranjeropadre estadounidense solteromadre estadounidense solteraEl progenitor estadounidense debe probar haber residido en EE.UU. antes del nacimiento del hijo.Es aconsejable solicitar el Certificado de Nacimiento en el Exterior y/o pasaporte estadounidense tan pronto como nazca el hijo. Ciudadanà ­a estadounidense para nacidos fuera de EE.UU. por aplicacià ³n del derecho de sangre Por el mero hecho de ser hijo de ciudadano estadounidense no est garantizada la ciudadanà ­a de EE.UU. Para obtenerla es necesario cumplir con una serie de requisitos, que varà ­an segà ºn el estado civil de los padres y si uno o ambos son estadounidenses Los dos padres son ciudadanos estadounidenses y son matrimonio Si tanto el padre y como la madre son ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y estn casados entre sà ­, todos los hijos de ese matrimonio nacidos fuera de EE.UU. son ciudadanos estadounidenses desde el momento del nacimiento del hijo. El à ºnico requisito que se pide es que siempre al menos uno de los padres hubiera tenido residencia en Estados Unidos o cualquiera de sus territorios antes del nacimiento de los hijos. En este caso no se pide un mà ­nimo de tiempo de residencia. El padre o la madre es estadounidense y est casado/a con una persona extranjero/a El hijo de este matrimonio es estadounidense desde el momento de su nacimiento siempre y cuando: el progenitor estadounidense ha residido en EEE.UU. mà ­nimo cinco aà ±osal menos dos de esos aà ±os los haya vivido tras cumplir los 14 aà ±os de edad. El padre es estadounidense y no est casado con la madre, que es extranjera Segà ºn la nueva Seccià ³n 309(a) de la Ley de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (INA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que se ha modificado recientemente, el hijo nacido fuera de EE.UU de padre estadounidense y madre extranjera cuando ambos progenitores no estn casados entre sà ­ es ciudadano estadounidense si se cumplen todas las exigencias siguientes: El padre ha residido en EE.UU. por al menos cinco aà ±os. Como mà ­nimo dos aà ±os de residencia tuvieron lugar despuà ©s de que el pap hubiera cumplido los 14 aà ±os de edad.Se debe probar de un modo convincente y que no deje lugar a dudas que el menor es hijo biolà ³gico de quien afirma ser su padre.El padre debe comprometerse por escrito a apoyar financieramente a su hijo mientras à ©ste es menor de 18 aà ±os de edad. Adems, el padre deber legitimar al hijo segà ºn una de las siguientes maneras: a) segà ºn las leyes del lugar de residencia; b) se puede presentar  documento donde una corte establezca que la relacià ³n filial entre el ciudadano americano y su hijo nacido en el extranjero o c) mediante una declaracià ³n jurada en la que se reconoce la filiacià ³n.   La legitimacià ³n debe haberse completado antes de que el menor cumpla los 18 aà ±os de edad. Cabe destacar que la ley cambià ³ recientemente para estos casos de transmisià ³n de ciudadanà ­a estadounidense. La vieja Seccià ³n 309 (a) exigà ­a ms tiempo de residencia en EE.UU. al padre pero permità ­a transmitir la ciudadanà ­a a un hijo hasta los 21 aà ±os de edad. Las personas nacidas fuera de EE.UU. hijas de padre estadounidense soltero que tenà ­an ms de 15 aà ±os pero menos de 18 a fecha del 14 de noviembre de 1986 pueden optar por pedir que se les aplique la seccià ³n vieja o la nueva, cualquiera que le sea ms conveniente. La madre es estadounidense y no est casada con el padre, que es extranjero Los nacidos el 11 junio de 2017 o antes adquieren la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por su madre si à ©sta ha vivido en Estados Unidos o alguno de sus territorios de un modo corrido por al menos un aà ±o. Sin embargo, las reglas son distintas desde la sentencia de la Corte Suprema 137S. ct167 (2017) Sessions vs. Morales-Santana. Asà ­, en la actualidad, para que los nacidos fuera de EE.UU. con fecha posterior al 11 de junio de 2017 adquieran la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense, sus madres solteras deben cumplirse los mismos requisitos de tiempo residido en EE.UU. que aplican a los varones solteros. Es decir, deben haber residido al menos 5 aà ±os en los Estados Unidos de los cuales 2 tienen que ser despuà ©s de haber cumplido los 14 aà ±os. La madre es estadounidense y tiene un bebà © en el extranjero que genà ©ticamente no es suyo Los avances en la medicina permiten casos en los que una mujer puede recurrir a una donacià ³n de à ³vulos y asà ­ llevar adelante un embarazo y tener un hijo que no es suyo desde el punto de vista genà ©tico. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s con las iniciales ART. En estos casos, la madre podr transmitir la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense al nià ±o siempre y cuando las leyes que aplican en el lugar del nacimiento reconozcan a la mujer como la madre legal del infante. Si eso es asà ­, luego aplicarn las reglas generales explicadas anteriormente: si la madre est soltera o casada y, si à ©ste es el caso, si lo est con un ciudadano, un nacional o un extranjero. Cà ³mo probar la residencia en Estados Unidos por el tiempo requerido No hay excepcià ³n a esta regla, no se conceden waivers. Se cumple el requisito si se ha vivido en cualquiera de los 50 estados que conforman la Unià ³n Americana o en uno de sus territorios: Puerto Rico, Guam, Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas, Islas Marianas del Norte, Samoa Americana y otras islas y atolones no habitados de forma permanente. Tambià ©n se  computa como tiempo vivido en los Estados Unidos  o uno de sus territorios el tiempo transcurrido en el extranjero en las siguientes situaciones: sirviendo en el Ejà ©rcito en condicià ³n de honorabilidadtrabajando para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos o ciertas organizaciones que pueden calificarsiendo hijo dependiente de una persona en cualquiera de las dos situaciones que se acaban de seà ±alar La prueba de residencia se realiza  llenando el formulario DS-5507 y presentando pruebas. Una parte de este formulario aplica sà ³lo a los padres varones no casados para cumplir con la obligacià ³n de comprometerse a mantener a sus hijos hasta los 18 aà ±os. Entre los documentos que se pueden aportar par aprobar la residencia destacan: Diplomas de estudios de liceo (high school) e incluso el yearbookCalificaciones de estudios universitarios (transcripts)Informes de la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad SocialRecibos de haber recibido un salarioPago de impuestos (tax returns)W2Pasaportes actuales o expirados con sellos de entradas y salidasInformes militaresRà ©cords mà ©dicos o de vacunasFotos familiaresY cualquier documento que sirva para probar la presencia continuada de una persona en Estados Unidos por el tiempo exigido. En general los oficiales de las oficinas consulares son flexibles con el tipo de documentacià ³n presentada, siempre que sirva a su fin y sea autà ©ntica. Estn entrenados para detectar casos de fraude. Quà © hacer cuando un nià ±o estadounidense nace en el extranjero El padre o la madre estadounidense debe contactar lo ms pronto posible con la Embajada o Consulado que corresponda segà ºn el lugar de residencia y hacer una cita para solicitar solicitar un pasaporte estadounidense para el menor o un Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior (Consular Report of Birth o CRBA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Tambià ©n se le conoce como FS-240. La forma a cumplimentar es la DS-2029. Tambià ©n es posible solicitar al mismo tiempo ambos documentos. Este Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior se debe solicitar despuà ©s del nacimiento, tan pronto como sea posible. En todo caso, siempre antes de que el menor cumpla los 18 aà ±os de edad. No se emiten Consular Report of Birth a ninguna persona mayor de 18 aà ±os. Si no es posible hacer el trmite inmediatamente despuà ©s del nacimiento, deber realizarse, en todo caso, antes del primer viaje del nià ±o o nià ±a a Estados Unidos. Si un menor tiene derecho a la ciudadanà ­a americana por padre o por madre no puede ni entrar ni salir de Estados Unidos con un pasaporte extranjero con visa ni sin visado bajo el amparo del Programa de Exencià ³n de visas. Cabe destacar que con el Reporte Consultar de Nacimiento no puede viajar internacionalmente. Deber solicitarse para ese menor que es ciudadano su propio pasaporte. Para ello llenar la planilla DS-11, seguir las instrucciones y prepararse para presentarse con el infante en el consulado en la fecha y hora de la cita. Dà ³nde solicitar informacià ³n sobre ciudadanà ­a En caso de dudas, se puede contactar en inglà ©s con la Oficina de asuntos legales de Directorio de servicios para ciudadanos en el extranjero, del Departamento de Estado, escribiendo un correo electrà ³nico a Tambià ©n es posible contactar con el consulado u oficina consular que tiene competencia sobre el lugar en el que se reside habitualmente. Cambios relevantes en la leyes de Ciudadanà ­a El 31 de diciembre de 2010 el Departamento de Estado dejà ³ de emitir Certificados de Informe de Nacimiento (Certificate of Report of Birth, forma DS-1350). Ahora sà ³lo se emiten los Consular Report of Birth Abroad. Pero los Informes emitidos antes de esa fecha siguen siendo vlidos y una prueba de identidad. Con anterioridad a 1978 las personas estadounidenses nacidas en el extranjero porque adquirieron la ciudadanà ­a a travà ©s de uno de sus padres acababan perdià ©ndola si no residà ­an por un tiempo en los Estados Unidos. Muchas personas dejaron de ser estadounidenses por esa razà ³n. En la actualidad podrà ­an recuperar  la ciudadanà ­a  y en muchos de los casos el à ºnico requisito a cumplir serà ­a prestar el juramento de lealtad a los Estados Unidos. Los interesados pueden contactar con el Departamento de Estado o preguntar a la embajada o consulado ms cercano. Casos en los que la ciudadanà ­a no se trasmite automticamente En ocasiones la ciudadanà ­a se puede adquirir despuà ©s del nacimiento y antes de cumplir los 18 aà ±os por ser  hijo de estadounidense. Estos son los casos y los requisitos que se deben dar: Por adopcià ³nPor ser hijo de una persona que se convierte en ciudadana por naturalizacià ³n. Es lo que se conocà ­a como  ciudadanà ­a derivada.Por uno de los abuelos en el caso de ser hijo de estadounidense que no puede trasmitir la ciudadanà ­a por no cumplir con requisitos de residencia en Estados Unidos Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Entrepreneurship for Di Bella Coffee †Visit for plete Sol

The entrepreneur chosen for the essay is Phillip Di Bella, founder and managing director of Di Bella Coffee. In a few short years, Di Bella Coffee has b e a very successful business. Many topics are discussed in the essay regarding the growth and development of the firm started by the entrepreneur along with future r mendations. The piece will provide a deeper understanding of the ideas and background of opening the new venture. The pany has been witnessed some developments along with recognition with an array of various prestigious awards. However, the success story of Phillip Di Bella is fuelled by innovation, mitment, and passion. In the year of 2006, Di Bella Coffee is recognized for its growth of business. Gradually after 2010, the pany had started to expand its business operations outside Australia i.e. in China, India, New Zealand, etc. in 2015. Di Bella Coffee is known for the leadership and business strategy of Phillips Di Bella. He is a revolutionary icon in the industry of beverage market, especially in the cafà © market. There were many petitors at that time when Phillips started his new small venture with a coffee roasting machine. He is passionate about coffee and is focused on providing an exceptional customer service to the people of Australia. Philips has understood that focusing on customers will help in growing his business at world-class level (Maher 2014). A dynamic business environment with the increase of petition in the market has lead Di Bella to introduce new and unique exceptional services to the customers. Before opening the business, Phillips had done an extensive market research about the experience of the clients with the existing cafà © present in the Australian market. Customers are not satisfied with the taste and flavor of the coffee available in the market. It is the point of opening his new ve nture in the Australian market (Paterson et al. 2014). On extensive research, Philips had found that most of the Australians drink coffee with milk without proper blend and flavor. Phillip’s vast knowledge about different types of coffee blends and perfect mixes is the key area of success of his pany in the market. He believes that focusing on business needs will not only result in success in business in the long run. However, his business focuses towards the needs of the customers. The core aspect of achieving trust from the customers is by targeting the needs. There is an another perspective that has put Philips in setting apart in the field of opening business the coffee retail chain in Australia (Featherstone et al. 2014). Thinking ability of Phillips in changing the traditional standard product into a new product with new texture and flavor helped in gaining customer preference along with loyalty. It is seen that the clients of Di Bella Coffee are very loyal to the brand. They like the products of the pany. He has also started to teach people about the coffee industry and the single cup of coffee from the enterprise. Customers can analyze the perfec t cup of coffee provided by the corporation (Glavas 2013). It is a unique approach to increasing the brand awareness among the public. Phillips Di Bella’s entrepreneurship is celebrated for many years in many parts of the world. The passion for coffee and entrepreneurial spirit had led him to open a small coffee roasting business operations in Brisbane in the year of 2002. Ernst & Young have recognized Di Bella as a finalist in the field of entrepreneur of the year in the year 2005. Finally, he received the award on 2008. Entrepreneurship of Di Bella is popular in Australia. The socio-cultural background of Di Bella is influenced by munity involvement (Dibellacoffee , 2016). Apart from his business, Phillip has many munity building roles. The significant level of participation of Philips in many munity developmental programs has helped in earning prestigious awards and recognitions. The awards include Corporate Citizenship Award, the order of the Star of Italian Solidarity, etc. for his great contribution to the Italian munity (Fritz et al. 2015). Apart from focusing on business, Philip is dedicated to encouraging environment and building relationships. Phillip is a very passionate person. However, he is also interested in developing passion among others also. It is the reason of involvement of him in the munity engagement programs (DiBella 2013). He inspires passion among others. Phillip involved in various charitable organizations and contributed a lot. The most notable organization he is involved is Pyjama Foundation.   He used to organize a recreational camp for careers and children of the disadvantaged and underprivileged children in the local munity (Kosalge and Ritz 2015). He is a keen observer of people. With the dissatisfaction in customer service in the industry, he opened his pany by convincing clients of providing better service. This had encouraged him to improve his business in the market. The exceptional signature blends of the coffee of Di Bella are now famous for the creation of the global brand. In his init ial days, Philips had visited clients to attract customers for his new business venture (Neilson et al. 2013). The petitive advantage of Philip is there in the Australian market. The main petitor of Di Bella Coffee is Victoria Coffee in Australia. Apart from that, there are other coffee retail chains such as Barista, Starbucks, McDonald’s, etc. These coffee chains are global chains and are present in many countries of the world. Di Bella Coffee not only faces petition in Australia from these retailers but also in its foreign operations. However, Philips has a different point of view (Carter et al. 2015). It is discussed earlier that, Di Bella Coffee is focused on customers more than its products. It is the reason of maintaining a strong brand image in the market. Phillip also admitted the fact that in the modern petitive business world, with the change in a business environment the taste and preference of consumers also changes. New taste has evolved in the market. This has encouraged Phillip to develop the taste of its products in the Australian market. Consumers’ preferences h ave also changed in other countries such as New Zealand, India, etc. The above petitors are present in these markets also. The innovative mind of Phillips has resulted in many methods of brewing coffee that will provide a good taste but different from the previous ones. The cafà © specializes in bringing coffee from various parts of the world (Perrone et al. 2015). Apart from these, the pany for making product differentiation also uses different brewing methods. Though Di Bella Coffee is progressing its operations towards many countries of the world, there are many restrictions that the pany has to face while entering into new countries. Phillips mainly faced cultural issues in different countries of the world. The consumers of target market may not prefer the taste of coffee that is preferable in Australia. Apart from that, Philips has to change the business strategy of its pany to capture the trust and preference of the customers in the host country (Glavas 2013). The HRM procedures are to be formulated in a way to gaining an understanding of the nature of the people. The policies that are feasible in Australia may not provide actual result in the foreign countries due to cultural differences. Out of the box, thinking is required both in the field of product variation and recruitment of a right candidate for the maintenance of branch operations. There is a need for product changes that can hit the taste buds of the customers of the target market. Apart from different blends of coffee, Phillips can innovate new ranges of food products with coffee for the customers. The pany can expand its business operations in other countries by adopting various entry modes such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, franchise, etc. Among these entry methods, Di Bella can adopt mergers and acquisitions for entering into a foreign market (Neilson and Shonk 2014). Apart from that, Phillips can also expand the stores of the pany by increasing the number of products. A different section of the store can sell other plementary fast foods other than coffee. It will also increase the brand image of the pany by tapping new customers. Entrepreneurship is setting a business of own. Philips had started his business initially on a small scale. It is discussed earlier that Di Bella Coffee has gradually shown the progress. Now the pany has adopted processes of globalization for expanding business operations in many countries of the world. The essay discusses entrepreneurial skills of an Australian entrepreneur. Phillips Di Bella is recognized as one of the most famous entrepreneurs in Australia. His zeal for development and passion for coffee has influenced him to achieve a great platform within such a short span of life. Apart from Phillips, many other entrepreneurs have flourished their business in Australia. Focus on people is the main area of success of the pany in the petitive market. Many technologies are used in roasting and brewing coffee. Phillips had identified the potential demands in the market to grow the business of coffee in Australia. Carter, J.F., Yates, H.S. and Tinggi, U., 2015. Isotopic and Elemental position of Roasted Coffee as a Guide to Authenticity and Origin.Journal of agricultural and food chemistry,  63(24), pp.5771-5779. DiBella, A.J., 2013. Sustainable change (or the end of change) at the US Mint: A case exercise.  The International Journal of Management Education,11(2), pp.55-65. Dibellacoffee . (2016).  About Phillip Di Bella | Di Bella Coffee. [online] Available at: https://dibellacoffee /Our-Story/About-Phillip-Di-Bella [Accessed 9 Sep. 2016]. Featherstone, T., 2014. Q and A with Phillip Di Bella. pany Director,30(9), p.12. Fritz, S., See, L., McCallum, I., You, L., Bun, A., Moltchanova, E., Duerauer, M., Albrecht, F., Schill, C., Perger, C. and Havlik, P., 2015. Mapping global cropland and field size.  Global change biology,  21(5), pp.1980-1992. Glavas, C., 2013. International marketing implementation:‘The sweet aroma of success. Modification of products for new markets: The case of TORQ by Di Bella Coffee’, case study.  International Marketing: An Asia-Pacific perspective (6e), pp.680-680. Glavas, C., 2013. The sweet aroma of success: Modification of products for new markets in the case of TORQ by Di Bella Coffee.  International Marketing: An Asia-Pacific Perspective [6th ed.], pp.680-683. Kosalge, P.U. and Ritz, E., 2015. Finding the tipping point for a CEO to say yes to an ERP: a case study.  Journal of Enterprise Information Management,  28(5), pp.718-738. Maher, B., 2014. Sardinia es to Australia: Finding spaces for Mediterranean writing in translation.  Journal of Australian Studies,  38(3), pp.304-313. Neilson, J. and Shonk, F., 2014. Chained to Development? Livelihoods and global value chains in the coffee-producing Toraja region of Indonesia.Australian Geographer,  45(3), pp.269-288. Neilson, J., Hartatri, D.S.F. and Lagerqvist, Y.F., 2013. Coffee-based livelihoods in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Paterson, R.R.M., Lima, N. and Taniwaki, M.H., 2014. Coffee, mycotoxins and climate change.  Food research international,  61, pp.1-15. Perrone, A. and Wodonga, T.A.F.E., 2015. Centralian College: Creating a strategic marketing plan for long-term growth.  Marketing, p.85. With a decade's experience in providing essay help,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Individual Assignment 10 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Individual Assignment 10 - Article Example In addition, the malware will insert unwanted advertisements in the non-affiliated websites like spawn pop-ups that require the internet user to click the advertisement message (Solomon and Tuten 18). Another unethical practice in generating and nurturing sales leads is semantic marketing and behavioral targeting. Semantic advertising on the social media involves semantic analytics that can interpret the meaning and the main topic in a subject thus populating such visited websites with targeted advertisements even though not requested by the users. Behavioral targeting involves monitoring the behavior of the internet users especially the websites visited and hours spend on different websites. These practices are unethical since they interfere with the autonomy of the user and lead to other unethical practices such as spamming and violation of privacy and confidentiality of the internet users (Solomon and Tuten 24). Behavioral tracking is a practice whereby the advertisers monitor the electronic shopping patterns of the internet users together with the sites visited. In 2011, the Federal Trade Commission announced plans to require the advertisers to permit ‘do not track’ or ‘turn off the tracking switch’ and even disclose their monitoring activities (Solomon and Tuten 33). From the ethical perspective, advertisers should disclose their intentions or permit the internet users to turn off tracking. According to the rights perspective of ethics, internet and social media users have the right to privacy thus advertisers must disclose their intentions or permit the switch off tracking option. It is the right of internet users to control their activities on the internet, their images and information that is shared over the internet. According to the egalitarianism or fairness approach to ethics, disclosing the tracking intentions or permitting the switch off button is fair to users of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Significance of Organizational Behaviour in Managing Human Resources Essay

Significance of Organizational Behaviour in Managing Human Resources - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in almost all cases, human resources are considered as the key towards the success of a business organization. Considering the tight competition in the global markets, proper management of human resources has gained importance within the private and public sector. In general, this report will discuss the significant contribution of organizational behavior in the management of human resources. Â  As compared to the use of another leadership style, this report will highlight the benefit of using transformational leadership style when it comes to managing, motivating and maximizing the use of each employee’s talent and acquired skills. With this in mind, differences between the benefits of using transformational leadership will be compared with the use of autocratic, authoritative and transactional leadership approach to managing employees. Also related to the idea of motivating employees to perform well in their assigned task, th is report will explore the benefit of using intrinsic rewards over the use of an extrinsic form of rewards. A corporate leadership is a special skill that each manager should possess in order to make them become a competent leader. In almost all circumstances, it is unacceptable for a leader to make a quick judgment towards people and/or a business situation without having a concrete evidence to back him up in the end. It means that a good leader is expected to have a combination of wisdom, integrity, sensitivity, and tenacity (WITS). Since a manager must always base decisions on concrete facts, the author mentioned that a good leader must have these traits to be able to have a clear vision of the business trends. Kotter mentioned that having a good leadership skill is important in terms of enabling managers to become more effective in terms of delegating the task to each employee. Even though there are some managers who are fully equipped with proper management skills, some of them will remain unable to make a business successful in terms of competing in the global market because of the absence of good leadership skill.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gender Norms & Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern History Essay Example for Free

Gender Norms Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern History Essay History is the study of the past, specifically how it relates to humans. It is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. Scholars who write about history are called historians. Events occurring prior to written record are considered prehistory. History can also refer to the academic discipline which uses a narrative to examine and analyse a sequence of past events, and objectively determine the patterns of cause and effect that determine them. Historians sometimes debate the nature of history and its usefulness by discussing the study of the discipline as an end in itself and as a way of providing perspective on the problems of the present. Stories common to a particular culture, but not supported by external sources are usually classified as cultural heritage or legends, because they do not support the disinterested investigation required of the discipline of history. Herodotus, a 5th-century BC Greek historian is considered within the Western tradition to be the father of history, and, along with his contemporary Thucydides, helped form the foundations for the modern study of human history. Their work continues to be read today and the divide between the culture-focused Herodotus and the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention or approach in modern historical writing. In the Eastern tradition, a state chronicle the Spring and Autumn Annals was known to be compiled from as early as 722 BC although only 2nd century BC texts survived. Ancient influences have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history which have evolved over the centuries and continue to change today. The modern study of history is wide-ranging, and includes the study of specific regions and the study of certain topical or thematical elements of historical investigation. Often history is taught as part of primary and secondary education, and the a cademic study of history is a major discipline in University studies. Etymology Ancient Greek á ¼ ±ÃÆ'Ï„Î ¿Ã ÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ± means inquiry,knowledge from inquiry, or judge. It was in that sense that Aristotle used the word in his . The ancestor word is attested early on in Homeric Hymns, Heraclitus, the Athenian ephebes oath, and in Boiotic inscriptions . The word entered the English language in 1390 with the meaning of relation of incidents, story. In Middle English,  the meaning was story in general. The restriction to the meaning record of past events arose in the late 15th century. It was still in the Greek sense that Francis Bacon used the term in the late 16th century, when he wrote about Natural History. For him, historia was the knowledge of objects determined by space and time, that sort of knowledge provided by memory . In an expression of the linguistic synthetic vs. analytic/isolating dichotomy, English like Chinese now designates separate words for human history and storytelling in general. In modern German, French, and most Germanic and Romance languages, which are solidly synthetic and highly inflected, the same word is still used to mean both history and story. The adjective historical is attested from 1661, and historic from 1669. Historian in the sense of a researcher of history is attested from 1531. In all European languages, the substantive history is still used to mean both what happened with men, and the scholarly study of the happened, the latter sense sometimes distinguished with a capital letter, History, or the word historiography. The modern discipline of history is dedicated to the institutional production of this discourse. All events that are remembered and preserved in some authentic form constitute the historical record. The task of historical discourse is to identify the sources which can most usefully contribute to the production of accurate accounts of past. Therefore, the constitution of the historians archive is a result of circumscribing a more general archive by invalidating the usage of certain texts and documents . The study of history has sometimes been classified as part of the humanities and at other times as pa rt of the social sciences. It can also be seen as a bridge between those two broad areas, incorporating methodologies from both. Some individual historians strongly support one or the other classification. In the 20th century, French historian Fernand Braudel revolutionized the study of history, by using such outside disciplines as economics, anthropology, and geography in the study of global history. Traditionally, historians have recorded events of the past, either in writing or by passing on an oral tradition, and have attempted to answer historical questions through the study of written documents and oral accounts. From the beginning, historians have also used such sources as monuments, inscriptions, and pictures. In general, the sources of historical knowledge can be separated into three categories: what is written, what is  said, and what is physically preserved, and historians often consult all three. But writing is the marker that separates history from what comes before. Archaeology is a discipline that is especially helpful in dealing with buried sites and objects, which, once unearthed, contribute to the study of history. But archaeology rarely stands alone. It uses narrative sources to complement its discoveries. However, archaeology is constituted by a range of methodologies and approaches which are independent from history; that is to say, archaeology does not fill the gaps within textual sources. Indeed, historical archaeology is a specific branch of archaeology, often contrasting its conclusions against those of contemporary textual sources. For example, Mark Leone, the excavator and interpreter of historical Annapolis, Maryland, USA; has sought to understand the contradiction between textual documents and the material record, demonstrating the possession of slaves and the inequalities of wealth apparent via the study of the total historical environment, despite the ideology of liberty inherent in written documents at this time. There are varieties of ways in which history can be organized, including chronologically, culturally, territorially, and thematically. These divisions are not mutually exclusive, and significant overlaps are often present, as in The International Womens Movement in an Age of Transition, 1830–1975. It is possible for historians to concern themselves with both the very specific and the very general, although the modern trend has been toward spec ialization. The area called Big History resists this specialization, and searches for universal patterns or trends. History has often been studied with some practical or theoretical aim, but also may be studied out of simple intellectual curiosity. History and prehistory The history of the world is the memory of the past experience of Homo sapiens around the world, as that experience has been preserved, largely in written records. By prehistory, historians mean the recovery of knowledge of the past in an area where no written records exist, or where the writing of a culture is not understood. By studying painting, drawings, carvings, and other artifacts, some information can be recovered even in the absence of a written record. Since the 20th century, the study of prehistory is considered essential to avoid historys implicit exclusion of certain  civilizations, such as those of Sub-Saharan Africa and pre-Columbian America. Historians in the West have been criticized for focusing disproportionately on the Western world. In 1961, British historian E. H. Carr wrote: This definition includes within the scope of history the strong interests of peoples, such as Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand MÄ ori in the past, and the oral records maintained a nd transmitted to succeeding generations, even before their contact with European civilization. Historiography Historiography has a number of related meanings. Firstly, it can refer to how history has been produced: the story of the development of methodology and practices. Secondly, it can refer to what has been produced: a specific body of historical writing . Thirdly, it may refer to why history is produced: the Philosophy of history. As a meta-level analysis of descriptions of the past, this third conception can relate to the first two in that the analysis usually focuses on the narratives, interpretations, worldview, use of evidence, or method of presentation of other historians. Professional historians also debate the question of whether history can be taught as a single coherent narrative or a series of competing narratives. Philosophy of history Philosophy of history is a branch of philosophy concerning the eventual significance, if any, of human history. Furthermore, it speculates as to a possible teleological end to its development—that is, it asks if there is a design, purpose, directive principle, or finality in the processes of human history. Philosophy of history should not be confused with historiography, which is the study of history as an academic discipline, and thus concerns its methods and practices, and its development as a discipline over time. Nor should philosophy of history be confused with the history of philosophy, which is the study of the development of philosophical ideas through time. Historical methods Cultural history Cultural history replaced social history as the dominant form in the 1980s and 1990s. It typically combines the approaches of anthropology and history  to look at language, popular cultural traditions and cultural interpretations of historical experience. It examines the records and narrative descriptions of past knowledge, customs, and arts of a group of people. How peoples constructed their memory of the past is a major topic. Cultural history includes the study of art in society as well is the study of images and human visual production. Diplomatic history Diplomatic history, sometimes referred to as Rankin History in honor of Leopold von Ranke, focuses on politics, politicians and other high rulers and views them as being the driving force of continuity and change in history. This type of political history is the study of the conduct of international relations between states or across state boundaries over time. This is the most common form of history and is often the classical and popular belief of what history should be. Economic history Although economic history has been well established since the late 19th century, in recent years academic studies have shifted more and more toward economics departments and away from traditional history departments. Environmental history Environmental history is a new field that emerged in the 1980s to look at the history of the environment, especially in the long run, and the impact of human activities upon it. World history World history is the study of major civilizations over the last 3000 years or so. World history is primarily a teaching field, rather than a research field. It gained popularity in the United States, Japan and other countries after the 1980s with the realization that students need a broader exposure to the world as globalization proceeds. It has led to highly controversial interpretations by Oswald Spengler and Arnold J. Toynbee, among others. The World History Association publishes the Journal of World History every quarter since 1990. The H-World discussion list serves as a network of communication among practitioners of world history, with discussions among scholars, announcements, syllabi, bibliographies and book reviews. Peoples history A peoples history is a type of historical work which attempts to account for historical events from the perspective of common people. A peoples history is the history of the world that is the story of mass movements and of the outsiders. Individuals or groups not included in the past in other type of writing about history are the primary focus, which includes the disenfranchised, the oppressed, the poor, the nonconformists, and the otherwise forgotten people. This history also usually focuses on events occurring in the fullness of time, or when an overwhelming wave of smaller events cause certain developments to occur. Histomomity Histornomity is a historical study of human progress or individual personal characteristics, by using statistics to analyze references to eminent persons, their statements, behavior and discoveries in relatively neutral texts. Gender history Gender history is a sub-field of History and Gender studies, which looks at the past from the perspective of gender. It is in many ways, an outgrowth of womens history. Despite its relatively short life, Gender History has had a rather significant effect on the general study of history. Since the 1960s, when the initially small field first achieved a measure of acceptance, it has gone through a number of different phases, each with its own challenges and outcomes. Although some of the changes to the study of history have been quite obvious, such as increased numbers of books on famous women or simply the admission of greater numbers of women into the historical profession, other influences are more subtle. Public history Public history describes the broad range of activities undertaken by people with some training in the discipline of history who are generally working outside of specialized academic settings. Public history practice has quite deep roots in the areas of historic preservation, archival science, oral history, museum curatorship, and other related fields. The term itself began to be used in the U.S. and Canada in the late 1970s, and the field has become increasingly professionalized since that time. Some of the most common settings for public history are museums, historic homes and historic sites, parks, battlefields, archives, film and television companies, and all  levels of government. Historians Professional and amateur historians discover, collect, organize, and present information about past events. In lists of historians, historians can be grouped by order of the historical period in which they were writing, which is not necessarily the same as the period in which they specialized. Chroniclers and analysts, though they are not historians in the true sense, are also frequently included. The judgments of history Since the 20th century, Western historians have disavowed the aspiration to provide the judgments of history. The goals of historical judgments or interpretations are separate to those of legal judgments, which need to be formulated quickly after the events and be final. A related issue to that of the judgments of history is that of collective memory. Pseudo-history Pseudo-history is a term applied to texts which purport to be historical in nature but which depart from standard historiographical conventions in a way which undermines their conclusions. Closely, related to deceptive historical revisionism. Works which draw controversial conclusions from new, speculative, or disputed historical evidence, particularly in the fields of national, political, military, and religious affairs, are often rejected as pseudo-history. Teaching history From the origins of national school systems in the 19th century, the teaching of history to promote national sentiment has been a high priority. In the United States after World War I, a strong movement emerged at the university level to teach courses in Western Civilization, so as to give students a common heritage with Europe. In the U.S. after 1980 attention increasingly moved toward teaching world history or requiring students to take courses in non-western cultures, to prepare students for life in a globalized economy. At the university level, historians debate the question of whether history belongs more to social science or to the humanities. Many view the field from both perspectives. The teaching of history in French schools was influenced by the Nouvelle histoire as disseminated after the 1960s by Cahiers pedagogies and Inveiglement and other journals for teachers. Also  influential was the Institute national de recherchà © et de documentation pedagogue. Joseph Leif, the Inspector-general of teacher training, said pupils children should learn about historians’ approaches as well as facts and dates. Louis Franà §ois, Dean of the History/Geography group in the Inspectorate of National Education advised that teachers should provide historic documents and promote active methods which would give pupils the immense happiness of discovery. Proponents said it was a reaction against the memorization of names and dates that characterized teaching and left the students bored. Traditionalists protested loudly it was a postmodern innovation that threatened to leave the youth ignorant of French patriotism and national identity. In most countries history textbook are tools to foster nationalism and patriotism, and give students the official line about national enemies. In many countries history textbooks are sponsored by the national government and are written to put the national heritage in the most favorable light. For example, in Japan, mention of the Nanking Massacre has been removed from textbooks and the entire World War II is given cursory treatment. Other countries have complained. It was standard policy in communist countries to present only a rigid Marxist historiography. Academic historians have often fought against the politicization of the textbooks, sometimes with success. In 21st-century Germany, the history curriculum is controlled by the 16 states, and is characterized not by super-patriotism but rather by an almost pacifistic and deliberately unpatriotic undertone and reflects principles formulated by international organizations such as UNESCO or the Council of Europe, thus oriented towards human rights, democracy and peace. The result is that German textbooks usually downplay national pride and ambitions and aim to develop an understanding of citizenship centered on democracy, progress, human rights, peace, tolerance and European.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Socio-cultural Issues :: Education Internet Web Technology Essays

Socio-cultural Issues Perhaps the most enriching and obvious societal change influenced by the web is education. The Internet is a library of infinite knowledge, and like all knowledge, some can help us and some can hurt us. Although there are numerous beneficial effects that the web has on education, I will address three: research, interactivity, and advancement. Research Having a virtual library with the ease and convenience of the Internet, students can be more efficient, resourceful, and creative in their schoolwork and research. Schoolwork can be submitted legibly by electronic mail, saving paper, time, and difficulty. The mere understandable, clear, and consistent typography of electronic media is a benefit in itself. Marshall McLuhan, author of Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, explains that typographic extensions brought man universal literacy and education (McLuhan 235). Furthermore, primary and secondary research can be conducted through the web. A student can interview a foreigner or visit the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, the White House Archives, and libraries from all over the world, traveling to places their circumstances might prevent. I know personally that when I was in high school, research on the Internet was almost mandatory. Most schools were taking a proactive approach to the integration of technology in the edu cation system. Teachers would research and find articles from the Internet to incorporate into the lesson for the day. I must point out that although I attended high school in the late 90s, the school I attended was very small (population about 500), rural, and by no means wealthy. The primary negative consequence of research on the Internet is plagiarism. There are websites that sell or give research papers away on the web, allowing students to pass the work off as their own. It is also possible that a student may steal information and claim it as original, which is another form of plagiarism. This is a violation of both legal and ethical affairs. Other consequences involve the knowledge of sufficiently retrieving knowledge through search engines, the credibility of the sources used for research, and equal access to students around the nation and world. Interactivity Another major benefit from the web is interactivity through hypermedia. The web provides â€Å"forms of interactivity impossible with video and film† (Farkas 116). In Principles of Web Design, David and Jean Farkas explain that: Websites can adaptively employ numerous instructional strategies, for example, pacing instruction in response to the student’s performance on quizzes, and can support virtual learning communities through message boards, real-time chat, and even video-conferencing.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Assignment of Work Base Learning Essay

1. Introduction. This assignment is to evaluate my role in the job I’m currently doing and upto what extent its been helpful in my personal development. As I ‘m currently working in fright forwarding industry (Shipping), I have chosen this job to finish my assignment of work base learning. It would be easier for me to choose this job to finish my educational assignment instead of going volunteering job somewhere else. This will also affect my attendance in current work place. 1.1 Company Profile- Reisa Freight Ltd. is a U.K. based company engaged in import and export activities. As a company we supply our services to buyers, exporters and importers for their international transportation needs. Reisa freight Ltd. acts as a middle man / agent working globally with agents in several countries. We handles export from shippers or manufacturers warehouse to buyer’s warehouse not end users. 1.2 Job Profile- The main purpose of my role is to coordinate with customers, prepare relevant docs and coordination with back office or operations for smooth activity. This job role requires efficiency, accuracy and completion in given time frame. My job is also involved with coordination with airlines to ensure pre-booked space for upcoming cargo during the week. This avoids last minute problem. In short this work required a solid planning and in-time execution. Also it requires understanding People at Work, including understanding others’ interests, motivations and competence. In short, Developing and reviewing relationships with others (manager, colleagues, team members, customers and suppliers etc) including agreeing respective roles, responsibilities, rights and expectations booking cargo space on ship, airplane, train, or any other form of goods/cargo transportation, route planning, various documentation, export packing, insurance, warehouse, collection and delivery consignment. 2. Main Body- During my seven months of tenure I have learned how to gain necessary skills and what I needed most. There are certain skills which I need to improve and some others I have achieved while working with Reisa freight Ltd. I have discussed all these in following paragraphs. 2.1 Skills that need some developments. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Communication- Major hurdle with me here the language. Being English as my second language I find it as biggest hurdle to improve my communication skill. There is a lot more development since I started but there is still lot more to do to bring it upto a level where it is acceptable as high standard. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Decision-making- I find my self uncomfortable while making important decision which requires my independency. I have only spent 7 months in total as working person. I would need to have more experience of work to gain my confident in decision making. Some education in learning skill would definitely help me which I’m planning to intake after finishing my graduation. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Leadership- Being an un-experienced in past and total 7 months of work experience I see a lot more to do with leadership skill. Leadership skills require work experience and a standard of education which I will gain after my studies. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Analysing- Being a new employee in the field I see a lack of analysing skill to analyse the situation and plan things accordingly. This makes me to be depended on my seniors and old employees. I personally think that this would be developed while the time spent with work and putting my efforts to plan it from the beginning and executing it upto the end. In my job profile I have been given chance to analyse each shipment from the beginning and act as necessary and accordingly. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Problem Solving- Due to the lack of decision making, it directly affects my problem solving skills. As a new employee I haven’t been given chance to make decisions of my own which will be given to me after a specific time spent with in the company. Now because I cannot make decisions I will have to rely on my seniors to give me instructions in these types of situation which will lead to problem solving directly from decision makers at above post not me. 2.2 Skills scored highest with. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Planning- My job profile requires a pre-planned activity which is a base of service commitment to customers. First w learn in this business is to plan things and then execute. The planning doesn’t give a hundred percent surety of desired results but it leads to a way to execute right thing and a right time. I personally feel that my job responsibilities made me well enough to deal with planning skill. It’s adding something extra everyday to my skill. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Monitoring- Once the planning has been made and executed second step comes to monitor it on each and every step. A break any where in the planning chain may fail the whole assignment. The purpose of my monitoring is to take care of assignment and rectify problems as soon as and wherever they come up. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Reviewing- Reviewing the work everyday gives me efficiency and proficiency in my work. A skilled reviewing gives an idea what needs to be done. During the work I have learned that reviewing all our daily deeds gives us experience and probable outcomes of next day and future. This also shows the performance improvement. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Prioritising- As a worker I learned how to priorities my work. It’s a way of placing an order of priorities what needs doing and when. This can be achieved by Setting objectivise and goals. Its an important aspect of decision making. In my work priorities has importance as we will have to make decisions depend on the situations. For examples in a situation where buyer needs all his order with several suppliers in once, but due to problem with space allocation we may have to make own decision sometime to priorities to particular orders or shipments. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Reporting- My job profile is to work as an executive. I have responsibilities and direct reporting to my seniors. I need to report all my day to day activities that its understandable and most important is acceptable. An acceptable standard of work has been gained through the work experience. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Motivating- Motivation is necessity in every success. De-motivation will lead to failure in the job and work assignment. I have learned that how to challenge my negative thoughts. It helps me to realise possibilities of my future. 3. Monitoring my self- level achieved. Presentation Skills – Competent Speaker- able to talk to small groups of my peers albeit a little nervously. Written Skills- Good Creative- able to use comparison, example, similes, metaphors, vocabulary and other tools. Organisational/Planning Skills- Limited- can plan and organise my own time to achieve targets. Team-working Skills- Good- Able to work well in a team of people and to perform a number of â€Å"team roles†. 4. Conclusion – There is Overall performance satisfaction within the organisation and as recognised by senior level. Seven months of tenure within the firm was spent just as a trainee. This helped me to gain a lot. But still there is a long way to go and far more to achieve what I thought before. There is lot more confidence required while taking the necessary decisions. An uncomfortable situation always leads to lose either big or small. Currently I’m working with the help of other experienced staff which also de motivates me to take my own initiative. But in nearer future I hope for responsibilities with an independent role. That will surely help me to gain improved skills and goals. For sometime I have had a loose idea of the goals I would like to achieve in the short to medium term. Now that I have set my self a deadline I’m confident and assured to achieve that. However I would like to improve my self confidence increase my motivation to achieve the most out of my work. I would like to eliminate the attitude that holds me back and cause hassles to it and finally unhappiness. I would like to increase my pride and satisfaction in my achievements advantages of goal settings. I would like to increase my self confidence from the current level and perform better in all areas of my works.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nature and Victor Frankenstein

Nature plays an important role In Frankincense, although to the deader familiar with romantic poetry, it may seem that nature Is somewhat less Important or less central than the role It plays, but from the novel's opening, the importance of the reader getting a sense of physical place is established by situating the text within a particular environment, the qualities of which will both mirror and contradict the inner states of the main characters. Even from the very beginning of the novel, theme of nature is incorporated into Shelley work. The icy wilderness in which the novel begins and ends is the barren land of isolation from human warmth ND companionship, Into which Walton foolishly sails and Into which Frankincense Is Inexorably led by the monster, whose inescapable destiny is It†. Later, on the morning after Victor gives life to his creation, he says, â€Å"Morning, dismal and wet †¦ As if I sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning of the street would present to my view'. When Victor is scared or upset the weather is nasty to complement the way that he is feeling in certain situations.And also Victor notes that the landscape of the Orkney and that of his native country are quite distinct. His ascription of the Orkney Is cold, barren, gray, and rough. In contrast, he recalls Switzerland as colorful and lively and the landscape as teeming with blue lakes that reflect the brilliant blue sky. It is symbolic, of course, that Victor has chosen such a barren place to create the companion for the Creature. The contrast between the two places is as stark and distinct as the differences between Frankincense's Creature and the human world.The Creature occupies a world that is bleak, that Is attacked on all sides by an unforgiving set of conditions. Victor, his family occupies a world that as beauty, even though each has had to deal with occasional harsh realities. These appropriate pairings of characters with their environments will be re-e mphasized throughout the novel, and the physical qualities of the environments will provoke contemplative thought for most of the main characters, especially Victor. By chapter five of the first volume, Shelley creates a connection between Victor and nature.Instead of describing his moods with metaphor, as In earlier images, she describes his recovery from grave Illness through his affinity with nature. Although nursed by is closest friends, It Is the breathing of the alarm that finally gives him strength: We passed a fortnight in these perambulations: my health and spirits had long been restored, and they gained additional strength from the salubrious air I breathed, the natural incidents of our progress †¦ The air is not simply necessary for life; Victor is so taken with it that he actually gains strength from it that he had not had before.Another role of nature is a deep understanding of the mysterious forces of nature by Victor Frankincense. So Victor acknowledges tense Tor tes when en says: It was ten secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things, or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquires were directed to the metaphysical, or, in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world. It is the great force of nature that drives Victor into his scientific pursuit in the first place.When lightening shreds the tree in front of Victor's eyes he is doomed for life. On the night that Victor first gives life to his creation, it is dark and dreary. Victor makes his declaration of purpose hen he says, â€Å"more, far more will I achieve: treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation†. In Victor's case, an obsession with the nature of science pushes him to cross the boundary that separates the forces of human power and nature when he decides to co nstruct his creation.Along with his own feelings of ambition, Victor also constructs his creation because of the want to bring about change in his society. And when he creates life from lifeless matter to bring change n his society, readers are forced to use their imagination to give life to this creation themselves. Later, when Victor returns home on receiving word of Williams death, he notes that â€Å"Night closed all around; and when I could hardly see the dark mountains, I felt still more gloomily.This picture appeared a vast and dim scene of evil, and I foresaw obscurely that I was destined to become the most wretched of human beings†. At the end of the novel during Victor's honeymoon, â€Å"the wind, which had fallen in the south, now rose with great violence in the west†, before Elizabeth is ordered by the creation. In conclusion, the natural settings in â€Å"Frankincense† play a vital role in enhancing the impact of the story and progression of the plo t and characters.What has been said so far, then, is that man attempts to control nature believing to be the master over all. In fact, man's effect is Just that, an unnatural one, in that it works against nature instead of with nature. The question then, is why man is unable to emulate nature, why he is unable to work with nature without harming it in some way, as we have seen above. One answer is that man is unable to see ahead, hat he refuses to see the purpose in everything that nature does.Victor Frankincense is so obsessed with his mother's death and with his desire to remove it, that he does not see the purpose that death has. So, Just because mankind has the power to do something, does not necessarily mean that he must, or should. Instead, perhaps he should respect the natural course of things. And nature surrounds us during our whole life, and it has a great influence on us, as well as on our mood and behavior. Resources: http://www. Gutenberg. Org/files/84/84-h/84-h. HTML h ttp://Ankara. English. Upend. Demesnes/nature. HTML

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Jacques Cousteau essays

Jacques Cousteau essays Many people know that the earth is covered with water. In fact, 3/4 of the earth is water. The major oceans (i.e. Atlantic, Indian, etc.) are salt water. We can't drink salt water. Sadly enough, we are destroying our oceans and various other parts of our precious earth. But there are people out there who commit their lives to preserving the earth. One man in specific has accomplished such a thing. He has worked to preserve the oceans and the rest of the marine world from our destruction. He has used modern technology and has written several books to try to make the people of earth better understand the gentle world beneath the water and to prevent it from being destroyed. This man is Jacques Cousteau. Jacques Cousteau was born on June 11th, 1910 in St.-Andr-de-Cubzac, France. Jacques was always interested with water in his youth. When Cousteau was 10, he visited the U.S. where he spent several months in New York City which included time playing stickball with the neighborhood children. He left the U.S. with a sense of wonderment about the high technology of this country. In his early teen years, he began fulfilling his fascinations with his interests in machines and in film making. One of his early accomplishments were building a battery-operated car at 13. He also secretly saved his money and when he had enough, he bought a home movie camera. In his later teen years, Jacques became bored with school and began causing trouble. His parents found out why his grades were dropping and sent him off to a boarding school. This new environment gave him the discipline he needed to excel in this new school. Upon graduation, he applied for and was accepted into the Ecole Navale* at the age of 19. Following completion in the Academy, he entered the French Navy as a midshipman. He got involved in an accident in which doctors said that he would never be able to use his left ar ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critical thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical thinking - Essay Example The relationship between education and gender during eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries is also explored by the author. The paper also demonstrates rejection that women faced in the early days. They were rejected by their male counterparts as seen in Cambridge University. Gender issues as embedded in social structures have dramatic impacts on access of knowledge by women. The paper uncovers array of neglected issues affecting hierarchical social structures. Furthermore, the article indicates that women are capable of learning and accessing all forms of knowledge just as men can. The discussion below portrays factors that limited the accessibility of relevant education by women around the world. In addition, the discussion reveals some radical developments that have occurred over time which have opened up opportunities for women to explore and exploit their abilities and talents. Intellectual development has been a very long and tedious process among women in the world. During eighteenth century, women were not allowed to learn scientific subjects as their male counterparts. Mind development was regarded as unimportant to women. They were allowed to access moral and religious teachings but not scientific ones. Religious precepts did not entail elite languages which were allowed for men. Conversations on chemistry during late eighteenth century reveal excitement of discovery and new knowledge amongst women in the world. Adoption of conversations and experiments by Marcet indicates progress in knowledge development which was not expected of girls hence it limited their ability to display their unique understanding of concepts. In the early eighteenth century, scientific ideas, as revealed by the case of Aristotle, show the opposition that women based in discovery of scientific ideas faced. Philosophies were associated with men and superiority in which

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Pleasant Airways Preliminary Marketing Plan Research Paper

Pleasant Airways Preliminary Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example The proposed airline’s mission is to revolutionize airline industry. As a new establishment, the airline will come with brilliant strategies to help in making the clients to have pleasant experiences while traveling. For a very long time, airline users have been treated to a straining booking and reservation process that has made many people to move from one service provider to another. With the coming of this new airline, no one will ever complain of the quality of services offered by the airline companies. The clients are treated with all the dignity and priority that they deserve. The company will employ a team of well-trained and experience staff to handle clients and treat them in a friendly manner. At the same time, the company will use modern aircrafts manned by experts to ensure that the clients get the only opportunity ever to enjoy and have a comfortable journey. Their safety will be guaranteed (Pinson, 2004).As anew entrant in the airline industry, the company will have to contend the stiff competition in the market. Potential threats will be expected to come from seasoned American airlines such as American Airline, US Airways, Delta Airline, Air Canada, United Airlines, JetBlue Airways and Virgin America Airline. These are established companies that now enjoy a larger share of the market. So, they are the ones who will pose a very stiff competition to this new airline.The strengths of the company are that it will use highly qualified professionals to conduct its operations.